

PVC Resin SG5, Siap Pengiriman ~

PVC Resin SG5, Tianyye Brand
25kg Bag, 28tons / 40'fcl tanpa palet
5 FCL, Tujuan: Timur Tengah
Siap kanggo Pengiriman ~



1. Profil PVC

Profil lan profil minangka wilayah konsumsi paling gedhe ing PVC ing pvc ing negaraku, kira-kira 25% saka total konsumsi PVC. They are mainly used to make doors and windows and energy-saving materials, and their application volume is still growing significantly across the country. In developed countries, the market share of plastic doors and windows is also the highest, such as 50% in Germany, 56% in France, and 45% in the United States.

2. Pipa pvc

Antarane produk pvc, pipa pvc minangka area konsumsi paling gedhe nomer loro, kira-kira udakara 20% konsumsi. In my country, PVC pipes were developed earlier than PE pipes and PP pipes, with more varieties, excellent performance, and a wide range of uses, occupying an important position in the market.

3. Film PVC

Konsumsi PVC ing lapangan film PVC peringkat nomer telu, akuntansi udakara 10%. After PVC is mixed with additives and plasticized, a three-roll or four-roll calender is used to make a transparent or colored film of a specified thickness. Film kasebut diproses kanthi cara iki kanggo dadi film Calender. Uga bisa diproses menyang kantong kemasan, jangkongan, tirklot, langsir, dolanan inflatable, lan sapiturute kanthi nutup lan panas. Film transparan sudhut bisa digunakake kanggo omah kaca, omah kaca lan omah-omah plastik. Film biaxial sing direncanakake bisa digunakake kanggo nyusut bungkusan amarga ciri-ciri nyusut panas.

4. PVC Hard Bahan lan Lembar

Tambah stabilisasi, pelincir lan pangisi daya menyang PVC. After mixing, the extruder can extrude various calibers of hard pipes, special-shaped pipes, and corrugated pipes, which are used as sewer pipes, drinking water pipes, wire casings or stair handrails. Lembar sing digulung dilapis lan panas ditekan kanggo nggawe lembar sing angel. The sheets can be cut into the required shape, and then PVC welding rods are used to weld various chemical-resistant storage tanks, air ducts and containers with hot air.

5. Produk alus umum PVC

Nggunakake ekstrumer, bisa ditindakake ing selang, kabel, kabel, lsp.; Nggunakake mesin cetakan injeksi karo macem-macem cetakan, bisa digawe sandal plastik, soles, dolanan, bagean otomatis, lsp.

6. Bahan Kemasan Kebok PolyVinyl Chloride

Produk Polyvinyl Chloride utamane digunakake kanggo bungkus warna wadhah, film lan lembaran keras. Kontaner PVC biasane digunakake kanggo ngasilake banyu mineral, mineral, lan botol kosmetik, lan uga digunakake kanggo kemasan minyak. PVC film can be used to co-extrude with other polymers to produce low-cost laminated products, as well as transparent products with good barrier properties. Film PVC uga bisa digunakake kanggo bungkusan sing nyusut utawa panas, lan digunakake kanggo paket kasur, kain, dolanan, lan barang industri.

7. Siding lan jogan PVC

Siding PVC utamane digunakake kanggo ngganti siding aluminium. In addition to a part of PVC resin, the remaining components of PVC floor tiles are recycled materials, adhesives, fillers, and other components. Umume digunakake ing hard terminal bandara lan papan liya.

8. PVC barang konsumen saben PVC

Kantong koper yaiku produk tradisional sing digawe saka PVC. PVC digunakake kanggo nggawe macem-macem kulit imitasi kanggo kantong koper, produk olahraga, kayata basket, bal-balan, lan rugby. Uga bisa digunakake kanggo nggawe sabuk kanggo seragam lan peralatan pelindung khusus. PVC fabrics for clothing are generally absorbent fabrics (no coating required), such as raincoats, baby pants, imitation leather jackets, and various rain boots. Polyvinl klorida digunakake ing pirang-pirang olahraga lan produk hiburan, kayata dolanan, cathetan lan peralatan olahraga. Polyvinyl chloride toys and sports equipment have a large growth rate, and they have an advantage because of their low production cost and easy molding.

9. Produk ditutup PVC

Kulit Ponggawa Kanthi Backing digawe kanthi ngetrapake tempel PVC ing kain utawa kertas, banjur plastik ing ndhuwur 100 ° C. Sampeyan uga bisa digawe dening Calendering PVC pisanan lan aditif dadi film, banjur dipencet kanthi backing. Artificial leather without a backing is directly calendered into a soft sheet of a certain thickness by a calender, and then pressed with a pattern. Artificial leather can be used to make suitcases, bags, book covers, sofas and car seat cushions, etc., as well as floor leather, which is used as a flooring material for buildings.

10. Produk Fokus PVC

11. Lembar Transparan PVC

PVC ditambahake kanthi pengaruh modifikasi lan penstabil timah organik, lan dadi sheet transparan sawise nyawiji, plastik lan tangga tangga. It can be made into thin-walled transparent containers or used for vacuum blister packaging by thermoforming, and is an excellent packaging material and decorative material.

12 .. Liyane

Pintu lan Windows dipasang saka bahan berbentuk khusus. Ing sawetara negara, dheweke wis nguwasani pasar lan pasar jendhela bebarengan karo lawang kayu lan jendhela, jendhela aluminium, lsp.; Bahan kayu tiru, bahan bangunan baja baja (sisih lor, segara); Wadhah wadhah.

Wektu Pos: Nov-14-2024