

Asam oxalic 99,6%, siap kiriman ~

Asam oxalic 99,6%
Bag 25kg, 23TON / 20'FCL tanpa palet
1 FCL, Tujuan: Amerika Utara
Siap kanggo Pengiriman ~


1. Bleaching lan pengurangan.
Asam oxalic duwe sifat pemutihan sing kuwat. Bisa kanthi efektif ngilangi pigmen lan reged ing selulori, nggawe serat luwih putih. In the textile industry, oxalic acid is often used as a bleaching agent for the bleaching treatment of natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and silk to improve the whiteness and gloss of the fibers. In addition, oxalic acid also has reducing properties and can react with certain oxidants, so it also plays a role as a reducing agent in some chemical reactions.

2. Reresik permukaan logam.
Asam oxalic duwe efek aplikasi sing signifikan ing lapangan logamreresik. It can react with oxides, dirt, etc. on the metal surface and dissolve or transform them into substances that are easy to remove, thereby achieving the purpose of cleaning the metal surface. In the production process of metal products, oxalic acid is often used to remove oxides, oil stains and rust products from the metal surface to restore the original luster and performance of the metal surface.

3 .. stabiliser pewarna industri.
Asam oxalic uga bisa digunakake minangka penstabil kanggo pewarna industri kanggo nyegahudan lan stratifikasi pewarna sajrone panyimpenan lan digunakake. By interacting with certain functional groups in the dye molecules, oxalic acid can improve the stability of the dye and extend its service life. Peran perjuangan asam oxalic iki penting ing industri pabrik pabrik lan industri tekstil lan mesin pewarna.

4. Agen Penyamakan kanggo Ngolah Kulit.
Sajrone pangolahan kulit, asam oxalic bisa digunakake minangka agen penyamakan kanggo mbantu kulit luwih becik ndandani wujud lan njaga lemes. Through the tanning process, oxalic acid can chemically react with the collagen fibers in the leather to increase the strength and durability of the leather. Ing wektu sing padha, agen penyamaran asam oxalic uga bisa nambah warna lan rumangsa kulit, dadi luwih apik lan kepenak.

5. Preparation saka reagen kimia.
Minangka asam organik sing penting, asam oxalic uga minangka bahan mentah kanggo persiapan akeh reagen kimia. Contone, asam oxalic bisa reaksi karo Alkali kanggo mbentuk oxalates. Uyah iki duwe aplikasi sudhut ing analisa kimia, reaksi sintetik lan lapangan liyane. In addition, oxalic acid can also be used to prepare other organic acids, esters and other compounds, providing a rich source of raw materials for the chemical industry.

6 .. aplikasi industri fotovoltaic.

Wektu Pos: Oct-12-2024